高職單字 – 統測常考之同義字與反義字



1. handicapped = disabled, hinder, impede, cripple, incapacitate.
≠ aid, assist, help
2. conventional = tradition, manner, model
= usual, habitual, customary
3. interior = inside
≠ exterior
4. recognize = identify, acknowledge, appreciate, understand, grant,
5. resemblance = likeness, similarity
≠ difference.
6. weird = strange
7. reluctantly = unwilling; disinclined
8. imply = suggest, indicate, assume, include
9. escape = avoid, dodge, flee, elude, evade
10 passenger = traveler , wayfarer
11 persuade = convince
≠ dissuade
12 distress = unhappy, agony, anguish, adversity, tribulation, sorrow.
≠ comfort
13 possess = own, have, belong
14 eventually = finally; ultimately; at some later time
15 symbol =sign, emblem, token
16 reflect = show, reproduce, throw, manifest,  rebound, 
ruminate, deliberate, muse, consider, cogitate, contemplate.
17 unforgettable = memorable
18 vanish = disappear, evanesce
≠ appear
19 option = choice, selection, election.
20 perplex = confuse, mystify, confound, tangle, snarl, vex, annoy, bother.
21 yell = shout, scream
22 serve = provide, offer, attend, aid, succor.
23 hurry = rush, hasten, accelerate, quicken; expedite, hustle
 delay, slow, deliberation.
24 advise = suggest, counsel, admonish, caution, inform, notify, apprise, acquaint, confer, deliberate, discuss, consult
25 harmful = bad, hurtful, detrimental, damaging, deleterious
26 proud = pleased, contented, self-satisfied, overbearing, self-important,
disdainful, imperious, presumptuous
dissatisfied, humble, dishonorable, mean, impoverished,
27 various = different, distinct, diverse
≠ identical, same, uniform, similar.
28 cautious = careful, prudent, guarded, wary, chary, circumspect,
watchful, vigilant
29 frequently = commonly, often, repeatedly
30 pattern = design, figure, kind, sort
31 institution =organization, establishment, foundation, society,
32 outstanding = excellent , superior, distinguished
33 amazing = surprising, astound, dumfound, stun, flabbergast
34 golden = important, splendid, glorious, joyous.
35 luxurious = expensive, rich, sumptuous
36 dull = uninteresting, boredom, tedious
sharp, keen, interesting, bright.
37 hide = do not show
reveal, display
38 supply = provide, furnish, satisfy
39 anxiety = worry, fear, foreboding, disquiet, apprehension
certainty, serenity, tranquillity
40 appeal = attraction, prayer, supplication, invocation, suit,
solicitation, request, ask
41 converse = communicate, chat, discuss, speak
42 primarily = mainly, essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally
43 right away = immediately
44 unexpectedly = unforeseen, surprising
45 expect = anticipate, hope, await
46 evidence = proof, exhibit, testimony
47 come up with = think of
48 cautiously = carefully,prudent, guarded, wary, chary, circumspect,
watchful, vigilant
49 additional = more, supplementary
50 extensive = broad, wide, large, spacious, ample, vast
limited, narrow, confined, parochial
51 enthusiasm = interest, eagerness, warmth, fervor, zeal, ardor, passion, devotion
52 notion = idea
53 promised = agreed, word, pledge, pledge, covenant
54 company = friend, group, assemblage, body, gathering, crowd, firm, house, corporation
55 excuse = reason, forgive, pardon, extenuate, palliate, free, justification.
56 prevent = stop, obstruct, forestall, preclude, obviate, thwart
help, assist
57 previous = former, earlier, preceding, foregoing
58 humid = wet, dank, damp
59 maintain = keep, continue, keep up, asseverate, assert, aver, allege, hold, state, uphold, defend, vindicate, justify, support
discontinue, contradict
60 once in a while = sometimes
61 associated with = related to
62 destruction = damage
63 improvement = progress
64 great = tremendous, huge
65 barely = hardly
66 personal = individual
67 changes (N.) varies
68 elaborate = complicate, comply
69 completely = thoroughly, whole
70 occasionally = sometimes
71 hope = expect
72 portray = describe
73 stumble = trip
74 inhabitant = resident
75 old tale = legend
76 contest = competition
77 recommend = suggest
78 guard = protect
79 permit = allow
80 influence = affect
81 solution = answer
82 silent = quiet
83 seldom = rarely
84 gratitude = thankfulness
85 opportunity = chance
86 prepare = fix
87 overcome = beat
88 pay = afford
89 helpful = beneficial
90 reliable = trustworthy
91 influence = effect
92 donation = contribution
93 frustration = discouragement
94 plant = factory
95 tell = notice
96 crossroad = intersection
97 avoid = prevent
98 thankful = grateful
99 full of energy = energetic
100 topic = subject
101 stand = bear
102 gift = souvenir
103 emotion = feeling
104 quarrel = argue
105 certain = sure
106 affect = influence
107 amaze = surprise
108 a wide range of = various
109 take pride in = feel proud of
110 come up with = work out
111 gain = put on
112 raise = bring up
113 guard = protect
114 Eye-catching = attractive
115 positive = optimistic
116 booking = reservation
117 steady = stable
118 affirmation = recommendation
119 nodding friends = acquaintance
120 send = deliver
121 article = composition
122 risky = dangerous
123 agree = consent
124 thoughtful = considerate
125 require = demand
126 proof = evidence
127 weak = limp
128 excite = thrill
129 passion = enthusiasm
130 exactly = literally
131 postpone = put off
132 employee = worker
133 take part = participate in
134 purchase = buy
135 worldwide = global
136 ancient = old
137 initial = first
138 awfully = extremely
139 crucial = vital
140 reply = answer
141 rather = quite
142 astound = surprise
143 bless = enjoyable
144 realize = understand
145 clear = obvious
146 unveil = show
147 deficit = shortage
148 find = discover
149 book = reserve
150 faraway = distant
151 cut into = divide into
152 grateful = appreciate
153 ritual = ceremony
154 extra = additional
155 impressive = unforgettable
156 colleague = coworker
157 be made up of = contain
158 race = competition
159 expensive = costly
160 traditional = ancient ; conventional
161 ask = require
162 report = indicate
163 adventure = experience
164 change = transformation
165 praise = compliment
166 affect = influence
167 competition = contest
168 advantageous = beneficial
169 approval = consent
170 be involved in = participate in
171 main = primary
172 intention = goal
173 constantly = continually
174 confusion = puzzle
175 manufacture = make ; produce
176 conserve = save
177 tremendous = huge
178 permit = allow
179 location = site
180 ridiculous = unbelievable ; silly
181 actually = as a matter of fact
182 vanish = disappear
183 particular = distinctive
184 ignore = neglect
185 refuse = object
186 appreciate = cherish
187 reveal = disclose
188 forecast = prediction
189 upset = worry
190 include = cover
191 immediately = instantly
192 apparent = clear
193 determination = will
194 according to = based on
195 beat = defeat
196 stress = pressure
197 sharp = severe
198 impact = influence
199 elevate = raise
200 protect = defend
201 enormous = giant
202 minimum = least
203 endure = stand
204 trait = feature
205 emerge = appear
206 collision = crash
207 potential = possible
208 talk over = discuss



“英文字彙”是成功學習英語的基礎, 字彙就好比是地基,

字彙量累積的越紮實, 所能塑造出的成效就越能向上推疊。

Author: POKUYO
