多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-4 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)

多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-4 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)

12. 區分動名詞和名詞

All employment ______ should be either submitted or postmarked by May 15, 2009.
(A) applied   (B) applying   (C) applies   (D) applications


13. 耗費時間的並列結構

Each department is asked to identify opportunities and ________ bold and innovative proposals to improve the quality of our services.
(A) implementation   (B) implement   (C) implementing   (D) implemented



If the manager is not satisfied with your reports, you should either revise the plan _____ establish a new one.
(A) not   (B) and   (C) nor    (D) or

Author: POKUYO
