多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-5 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)

多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-5 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)


After taking our orders, the manager _________ came to see if everything was going smoothly and to explain the brief history of the restaurant.
(A) him   (B) he    (C) his    (D) himself



Two hundred dollars will be presented to the graduate who has the ________ grade point average in the entire class.
(A) high    (B) higher    (C) highest    (D) highly


17.主詞&動詞 – 單複數一致

This Awards Ceremony ______ every year to acknowledge and recognize students, staff, and faculty that demonstrate a commitment to medical education.
(A) have held    (B) is held    (C) are held     (D) to be held

Author: POKUYO
