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The results provide strong _______ of a positive relation between stock returns and real estate prices.

(A) evident  (B) evidence  (C) evidenced  (D) evidently


2.名詞 + 名詞 的複合名詞

Kaitlin Rogers is in charge of preparing a report on the company’s _______ procedures.
(A) to save   (B) safe   (C) safely   (D) safety



If you have extra money, seek the services of objective ________ advisors who can help you design a plan that will satisfy your needs.
(A) finance   (B) finances   (C) financially   (D) financial



Despite the installation of the new computer system, gains in office productivity were only _______.
(A) moderate   (B) moderation   (C) moderately    (D) moderator



Many small companies have not been able to attract a sufficient number of workers despite ______
growth in the services sector.
(A) impressive   (B) impression   (C) impressed   (D) impress





To ensure overnight delivery, the shipping receipt should be attached ________ to the appropriate container.
(A) secured    (B) securely   (C) securities   (D) secures



_________, adjustments cannot be made once seats have already been assigned.
(A) Regret   (B) Regretted   (C) Regrettable    (D) Regrettably



We still need to determine whether or not the health standards we have established ______ with existing federal laws.
(A) agreeing   (B) agreement   (C) to agree   (D) agree





When giving a speech, _________ looking down at your notes too often.
(A) avoid   (B) avoided   (C) avoidance   (D) avoidable


10. 帶出子句的介係詞

______ the shortened working hours at the factory, the new machinery has helped to keep production rates rising.
(A) In spite of    (B) However   (C) Due to    (D) While



All residents in the neighborhood should be cautioned not to use any faucets ________ the repair work is in progress.
(A) during   (B) due to    (C) meantime    (D) while



12. 區分動名詞和名詞

All employment ______ should be either submitted or postmarked by May 15, 2009.
(A) applied   (B) applying   (C) applies   (D) applications


13. 耗費時間的並列結構  

Each department is asked to identify opportunities and ________ bold and innovative proposals to improve the quality of our services.
(A) implementation   (B) implement   (C) implementing   (D) implemented



If the manager is not satisfied with your reports, you should either revise the plan _____ establish a new one.
(A) not   (B) and   (C) nor    (D) or





After taking our orders, the manager _________ came to see if everything was going smoothly and to explain the brief history of the restaurant.
(A) him   (B) he    (C) his    (D) himself



Two hundred dollars will be presented to the graduate who has the ________ grade point average in the entire class.
(A) high    (B) higher    (C) highest    (D) highly


 17.主詞&動詞 – 單複數一致

This Awards Ceremony ______ every year to acknowledge and recognize students, staff, and faculty that demonstrate a commitment to medical education.
(A) have held    (B) is held    (C) are held     (D) to be held




18.不定詞 to + Vrt

________ to pursue our current sales strategy, we will need unanimous agreement at the next board meeting.
(A) Continuing   (B) To continue   (C) Continued    (D) To continuing



All members are required to complete the health information form prior to ______ in any summer programs.
(A) participate    (B) participates    (C) participated   (D) participating



The candidate ______ experience and career goals best match the needs of our company will be selected for the position.
(A) whose    (B) which    (C) who    (D) that



 21.Since ~~, S. + have / has + p.p. (過去分詞)  

Since last year, there _______ an increasing demand for computer programmers.
(A) will be     (B) was    (C) has been    (D) is


 22.表示 “直到~時, 將~” 的句型中,使用未來完成式

Mr. Nelson ______ for almost 10 years by the time he retires.
(A) will have served    (B) served    (C) serves    (D) had served


23.若沒有受詞, 就該想一想是不是被動語態的句子

Domestic inflation caused by oil price hikes is ________ investment in South America.
(A) discourage   (B) discouraged   (C) discouragement    (D) discouraging  



24.by 與 until 的相異

We will continue with our business growth plan ________ the beginning of next year.
(A) by     (B) until      (C) since    (D) during


25. anyone  vs.   whoever  

_______ made the arrangements for tomorrow’s board meeting has forgotten to organize the catering.
(A) Anyone    (B) Whoever     (C) Them    (D) Someone



When we ________ compiling next month’s work calendar, we have to submit it to the manager for approval.
(A) finished    (B) have finished    (C) will finish     (D) finish




Funding might have been available to us if we _______ agreed to turn this project into an environmental campaign.
(A) would have    (B) have been    (C) has     (D) had



______ you have any questions regarding the completion of these forms, please feel free to contact the Membership Department.
(A) Should    (B) Had    (C) Would    (D) Have


29.many / much / few / little + N.

______ financial advisors suggest that you review your credit report for inaccuracies or omissions about once a year.
(A) Much     (B) A lot     (C) Every     (D) Many



When _________ your payment, please allow sufficient time for the payment to reach our office by the due date to avoid charges.
(A) mail      (B) mailed      (C) mailing     (D) mails




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