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英文會話技巧    英文發音(自然發音&KK音標)    英文慣用語   

英文俚語    日常生活Daily Life    學校生活School Life 

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運動Sports    旅遊Travel     工作Jobs     購物Shopping

居家Housing    健康Health     電話溝通Telephone  


日常生活Daily Life


1. I am tired up for the moment

2. I'll just grab something to eat.

3. Why is life always rushie-rushie?

4. We could do it first thing tomorrow morning

5. Let's call it a day, shall we?

6. I'm up to my neck in work.

7. I've got a pretty tight schedule today!

8. Something might have come up!

9. I couldn't help it.

10. That's how rumors get started.

11. I don't know how to break it to you.

12. I hope there's nothing serious.

13. James went out of business recently.

14. Things do happen.

15. Everything will work out just fine!

16. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!

17. Is it Raining?

18. Fill Out the Form

19. Let's Not Go Out

20. Your Email Address

21. Time for Your Bath

22. Talk Radio

23. Did You Say Something?

24. Are You Sleepy?

25. How about a Pizza?




Let's Not Go Out


A: I hate to go outside.
B: Me too.
A: Why do you hate to go outside?
B: I meet too many jerks.
A: I agree.
B: This city is full of jerks.
A: Rude people are everywhere.
B: But what can you do?
A: You can yell at them.
B: And they will yell back at you.
A: Yelling doesn't do any good.
B: No. The best thing to do is just stay home.



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