1. Why does she have a long face?
2. Chances are slim!
3. I am overwhelmed with a heavy workload.
4. Once you get the hang of it
5. I'll keep that in mind.
6. I believe I have a good chance.
7. Applying for a job
8. Calling a candidate
9. Discussing prospects
10. Call for confirming hire
11. Rescheduling interview
12. Job interview conversation
HR : Hello. Is that Mr. Mark Anderson?
Mark : Yes. What can I do for you?
HR : I am calling from Market Corp. You’ve applied for a job with us. We received your resume in email.
Mark : Oh yes! I am interested in your vacancy for computer programmer.
HR : Excellent! I saw your resume, it is very interesting. Can you come in for a personal interview?
Mark : Of course I can! When do you need me there?
HR : If you can come on the 5th of this month, I will set up an appointment with our section head.
Mark : No problems. I can come on 5th.
HR : Great! See you at 11 AM then.
Mark : Sure!