[資訊工程] 用語 中英文對照

Chinese English
不沾錫 (SMT) Non-wetting (SMT)
不能省電 EPA NG
不能讀 Can’t read
包錫 Solder-coated
並聯埠失敗 Parallel port failed
版本錯誤  Incorrect version
保密合約書 Card license
保麗龍 Polyurethane
標識不清 Unclear marking
標識不符 Description error
標籤錯誤 Label error
薄膜 Coating (指printing); film
薄膜連接片 Film connector
變形 Deformation
變壓器 Transformer
皮圈; 墊圈 Washer (for screwing)
泡沫膠 Foam
偏斜 Misalignment
排軌 Card guide
排線 34/40/50 pin flat cable
毛邊 Burr (metallic), flash (plastic)
名板 Name plate
沒有畫面 No picture
馬口鐵 Tin plate
敏感性; 磁化率 Susceptibility
墓碑效應 Tombstoning effect
磨光 Grind
 卯釘 (拉釘) Rivet
(問題處理)負責部門 Business owner, Action dealers, Responsible departments
反面 Bottom side
方向反 Reversed direction, opposite direction
防呆 Dumb-proof; foolproof
防銹 Anti-rusting, Rustproof
風扇 Fan
風扇不良 Fan NG
風扇架 Fan frame, fan stand
蜂鳴器不良 Buzzer NG
防銲/絕緣膠帶 Insulating tape
風扇蓋 Fan cover
(焊錫)搭橋 Solder bridge


– (鈕釦型)

– (銅板型)

– (圓柱型)

– (長方型)








Solar Cell


(Coin cells)

(Button cells)

(Cylindrical cells)

(Rectangular cells)

Mercury, ZN/HgO

Silver oxide, Zn/Ag2O

Zinc air, Zn/O2

Lithium, Li/MnO2

Alkaline, Zn/MnO2

Nickel-cadmium, Ni-Cd

Nickel-metal hydride, Ni-MH

打磨 Grind
段差 Throw
頂白/打白 Ejecting marks




Palmtop Computer

Desktop Computer

Pocket Computer

Business Card Computer

短路 Short; Short circuit
當機 Hang up
電池 Battery
電池不良 Battery NG (Error)
電池蓋 Battery cover; Battery door
電性測試 Electricity test
電阻 Resistor
電流 (Electric) current
電流不良 Current NG
電容 Capacitor
電源供應器 Power supply
電源線 Power cord
電壓不良 Voltage NG
墊圈/墊片 Washer
墊腳 Foot
導通孔 Via hole; Interconnecting hole
導電橡膠墊片 Rubber sheet
擋板 Dummy cover; Shield
點焊 Spot weld
點焊不良 Poor welding; welding NG
點漆 Spot painting
點膠 (SMT) Adhesive (SMT); spot glue
斷裂 Brake/crack
斷路 Open
退料單 Material Return Ticket
條碼標籤 Barcode
脫落 Keep out, come off, drop off,

peel off

通孔 Through hole
跳線脫落 Jumper wire loose
跳線錯誤 Incorrect jumper wire


Stand-off/Hex screw
彈片 Spring blade
彈片 Port bracket
調撥 Adjust (e.g. switch etc.)
鐵片 Blade
鐵片扣架 Bracket
內接頭 Jack
內部品質稽核 Internal Quality Audit
黏性 Stickiness
“老鼠”失敗 Mouse failed
(防焊) 綠漆 (PCB’s) Solder mask
六角螺絲不良(銅柱) Poor hexagonal screw




Extra component

Missing component

Incorrect component

Component damaged

冷焊 Cold solder
拉力計 Push-Pull gauge
流痕 Flow mark
料號錯誤 Incorrect parts No.
連接桿 Link bar
裂錫 Solder broken
零件 Component/spare parts
零件側立  Component side standing
零件偏移 Component shifting
零件腳太短 Short lead
零件腳氧化 Component lead oxidized
零件腳偏移 Lead shifted
零件腳腳距 Lead pitches
零件標示不清 Non-visible mark
零件翻白 Component inversion
零件變形 Component deformation
漏焊 Missing solder
漏銅 Copper exposure
裸線 Bare wire/Bare conductor
領料單 Material Issue Ticket
螺孔 Screw hole
螺孔塞錫 Screw hole with solder
螺牙 Thread
螺絲 Screws
工程版號錯誤 Engineering version error
工程變更通知 Engineering Release Notice
功能測試 Function test
光碟機失敗 CD-ROM failed
刮傷 Scratch
高翹 Component stick up/high-up
乾燥劑/除溼劑 (1)  Silica gel – 工業用/食品用

(2)  Oxygen Absorber – 食品用

(3)  CaO Desiccant – 石灰乾燥劑

規格標籤 Spec label
貫穿孔 Through hole; Via hole
割線錯誤 Incorrect cutting
感應器 Inductor
隔板 Pad
隔離柱 Spacer
管制圖 Control chart
“快取”失敗 Cache failed
卡片槽 Card slot
卡住 Stuck
卡鉤 Hook
卡鍵 Motion of knob not smooth
可變電阻 Varying resistor
空洞 Cavity
空焊 No solder
空機 Barebone
烤漆 Baking painting
控制面板 Panel/LED board
開路 Trace open
開機嗶一聲 Power on with beep sound
開關推鈕 Switch knob
開關標籤 Switch label
擴充槽板 Slot board
活用護套線 Movable bushing
迴焊 Reflow:

–          Hot bar (thermode or heated bar)

–          Hot gas (Nitrogen)

–          Laser

–          IR (Infrared Reflow)

–          VPR (Vaper Phase Reflow)

–          Convection

迴焊(日文)/熔焊 Reflow
混板 Model mixed
混版  Version mixed
混料 Material mixed
焊接 Soldering
焊接劑; 施以焊接 Solder







Soldering fluid/soldering oil

焊錫性 Solderability
焊點 Solder joint
畫面不良 Picture NG/error
滑牙 Be stripped
滑板 Pallet; tray
緩衝材料 CSN PE+PU保麗龍, 發泡
護蓋 Cover
(Pin)腳 Lead
介面卡 Add-on card
 夾具 Fixture
金手指 Gold finger
金手指不良 Poor gold finger
金手指沾錫 Gold finger with solder
金針座 Head
金鐘罩 Cover shield
記憶體失敗 Memory failed
記憶體模組 Asim, SIMM
基本輸出入系統 BIOS
接地 Ground/Earth
接地線 Ground wire
接續器 Jumper
晶片組 Chipset
晶圓 Wafer
晶圓代工 Wafer Foundry
間隙 Gap
極性反 Reversed polarity
腳太長 Lead exceeds specification
腳未入 Lead non-inserted
腳未剪 Missing cut leg
腳墊 Rubber/Plastic foot
靜電; 靜電干擾 Static
鍵盤 Keyboard
鍵盤失敗 Keyboard NG/failed
鍵盤插座 Keyboard jack;

Din jack board

鍵盤錯誤 Keyboard error
警告標籤 Warning label
絕緣/防銲膠帶 Insulating tape
切斷面/切割面 Section
全球運籌營運模式 Global Logistics
其他 Others
前框 Front panel
前框擋板 Front dummy cover
氣泡 Air bubble
氣閘 Airlock
缺件 Missing component
缺件 Lack in parts
缺跳線 Missing jumper wire
(阻流)線圈 Coil (choke coil)
下殼 Bottom case
下蓋 Lower case
小圓管 Pin
系統板失敗 System board failed
巡檢 Patrol inspection
消費性電子產品 Consumer Electronics
斜放 Tilted placement
稀釋劑 Thinner
線路上佈局 Layout
線路測試 In-circuit test (ICT)
橡膠腳墊 Rubber feet
錫尖 Solder projection
錫尖 Solder icicle
錫球 (錫太多) Solder ball
錫渣 Solder spatter
錫渣 Solder splash
錫渣回收盒 Solder recovery box
錫渣盒 Solder dross box
錫短路 Solder short
錫絲 Solder wire
錫膏 Solder paste
錫橋 Solder bridging
中央處理單元 CPU
主機 Host
主機外殼 Housing
主機板 Main board
正面 Top side
折腳 Pin bent/twisted
折腳 Pin cutting
沾錫 Wetting; Stained with solder
沾錫不良 De-wetting
治具 Device







紙箱 Carton
紙箱標籤 Carton label
針孔 Pin hole
軸襯 Bushing
製作水準 Workmanship
遮光陰影 Shading/Shadowing
成型不良 Forming NG
串聯埠失敗 Serial port failed
穿孔 Via hole; Through hole; Punch hole
重熔 Reflow
除溼劑/乾燥劑 Dryer/Oxygen Absorber
產品特採程序 Product Concession Control Procedure
產品變更通知 Product Release Notice
插/裝反 Reversed insertion/assembly
插頁 Sheet note

– 傳導: 固體

– 對流: 氣體或液體

– 輻射: 無

Heat Transfer:




(塑膠) 射出成形:

–          缺料

–          毛邊

–          縮水

–          拖痕

–          黏模

–          頂白/打白

–          龜裂裂痕

–          結合線融合線

–          流痕

–          噴射痕

–          翹曲

–          焦痕

–          銀線

–          黑點料污

–          氣泡

–          光澤不良

–          表層剝離

Injection Molding:

–          Short shots

–          Burr (metal)/Flash (plastic)

–          Sink marks

–          Dragging

–          Part sticking

–          Ejecting marks

–          Cracking

–          Weld lines

–          Flow marks

–          Jetting

–          Warpage

–          Burn spots

–          Silver streaks

–          Black specks

–          Voids/Blister

–          Cloudy

–          Laminations

上殼 Top case
上蓋 Upper case
生產線 Shift
生銹 Rusting
生銹/氧化 Rust/Oxidation
束線 Cable tie
使用手冊 Manual
使用禁用料 Forbidden component used
砂紙 Abrasive paper
設定未消 CMOS not clear
飾板 Overlay
豎碑 Tombstoning
輸送線/框 Conveyer
軟式磁碟機 FDD
軟式磁碟機失敗 Floppy disk drive failed
韌體 Firmware (Software + Hardware)
熔焊/迴焊(日文) Reflow
認證 Verification
熱熔套管 Flexible heat shrinkable cross-linked polyolefin tubing
自動重設 Auto reset
組裝不良 Assembly NG
雜質 Foreign material; foreign matter
(零件)錯位 Misplaced component;

Putting in the incorrect position

殘留物 Residue
殘留異物 Remained alien body
殘錫 Remaining solder
磁碟片 Diskette
錯件 Incorrect component/parts
錯位  Incorrect/Wrong position
色偏差 Color deviation
松香 Rosin
散熱片 Heat sink
散熱風扇 for CPU CPU fansink
塑膠袋 PE bag
損件 Damaged Component/parts
隨機儲存記憶體 RAM
縮水 Shrinkage
鎖匙 Key
鎖匙座 Key lock
安全規格標籤 EMI/Safety label
按鍵 Power knob
按鍵組 Keytops
(零件)移位 Movement
印刷不良/錯誤 Misprint
印刷線路板 Printed circuit board
氣閘 Airlock
氧化/生銹 Oxidation/Rust
液晶顯示器 Liquid crystal display (LCD)
異物 Foreign material
移位 Shift location
移轉單 Interwarehouse/Location Ticket
硬式磁碟機 HDD
硬式磁碟機失敗 Hard disk drive failed
搖桿不良 Joystick NG
溢錫 Solder overflow
影像失敗 Video failed
驗證 Certification
文字處理機 Word Processor
外部品質監察 External Quality Surveillance
外籃卡錯誤 Incorrect carton label
外露 Expose; exposure
外觀 Appearance; Outside appearance
未改機 No rework
未承認零件 Non-approved parts
未割線 Trace miss cut
未測試 Function test loss
未跳線 Missing jumper wire
未蓋章 No stamp
未點膠 Missing glue
污點/髒 Spot; dirt
物性檢驗 Physical inspection
歪斜 Slanting; tilt
無法重設 Reset function NG (can’t reset)
無法動作 No work
微型喇叭 Micro speaker
網路錯誤 LAN error
彎腳 Lead clinching
圓柱 Boss
4pin連接頭 4pin connector
Aux1 失敗 Aux1 failed
BIOS 版本錯誤 BIOS wrong version
CMOS 遺漏 CMOS loss
Controlled build of product before mass production Pilot Run
Coprocessor failed Coprocessor failed
FDC失敗 FDC failed
FDD鐵框 FDD holder drive
IC速度錯誤 IC speed mixed
IC廠家不一 IC vendor mixed
IRQ失敗 IRQ failed
Jump撥錯 Jumper wrong setting
K數不足 Memory error
LED燈不亮 LED light NG
PAD蹺皮 PAD high up
Resource錯誤 Resource error
Slot pin內縮 Slot pin bent
Stand alone work unit where the complete computer is assembled Work Cell
Switch撥錯 Switch wrong setting



[會計] 用語 中英文對照

[統計學] 用語 中英文對照

Author: POKUYO
