多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-7 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)

多益考試 閱讀第五大題單句填空 解題技巧講解-7 (TOEIC Reading Part 5)

 21.Since ~~, S. + have / has + p.p. (過去分詞)

Since last year, there _______ an increasing demand for computer programmers.
(A) will be     (B) was    (C) has been    (D) is


22.表示 “直到~時, 將~” 的句型中,使用未來完成式

Mr. Nelson ______ for almost 10 years by the time he retires.
(A) will have served    (B) served    (C) serves    (D) had served


23.若沒有受詞, 就該想一想是不是被動語態的句子

Domestic inflation caused by oil price hikes is ________ investment in South America.
(A) discourage   (B) discouraged   (C) discouragement    (D) discouraging

Author: POKUYO
