Let bygones be bygones.
發音 | Pronounce
jì wǎng bù jiòu |
解釋 | Explanation
已經過去的事不再追究。語出《論語.八佾》:「成事不說,遂事不諫,既往不咎。」後多用於指對過去的錯誤不再責難。《西遊記.第三一回》:「君子人既往不咎。我等是個敗軍之將,不可語勇,救我救兒罷!」也作「不咎既往」、「不溯既往」。 |
英文解釋 | To stop focusing on something that happened in the past (usually a source of conflict or tension). |
英文造句 | Jill: Why don’t you want to invite
Ellen to your party? Jane: She was rude to me at the office picnic. Jill: But that was six months ago. Let bygones be bygones. |