A burnt child dreads the fire.
發 音 | Pronounce
yī jāu bèi shé yǎu shŕ nián pà tsǎu shéng |
解 釋 | Explanation
比喻曾遭受挫折,後遇類似狀況就變得膽小如鼠。如:「他因曾經考試不及格,被化學老師罰站,所以只要一聽到要考化學,就直冒冷汗。真是『一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩』。」也作「一度著蛇咬,怕見斷井索」。 |
英文解釋 | Someone who has experienced some kind of negative situation or consequence will try to avoid making the same mistake or experiencing the same situation again. |
英文造句 | Joseph refuses to invest any money after losing his retirement fund during the stock market crash; a burnt child dreads the fire. |