All’s well that ends well. 吉人自有天相。
發 音 | Pronounce
jí rén zì yǒu tiān xiàng |
解 釋 | Explanation
(諺語)好人自有好報,吉善的人自有上天的幫助。《石點頭.卷一二.侯官縣烈女殲仇》:「吉人自有天相,諒不至於喪身。萬一有甚不測,後事俱在我身上,決不有負所託。」《醒世恆言.卷二五.獨孤生歸途鬧夢》:「自古道:『吉人自有天相。』遐叔正在帥府門首歎氣,傍邊忽轉過一個道士問道:『君子何歎?』」 |
英文解釋 | A positive ending can overshadow any problems that may have preceded it. Although this phrase is the title of a Shakespeare play, it likely predates it. |
英文造句 | I’m glad you finally got here, even though your car had a flat tire on the way. Oh, well. All’s well that ends well. |