Great minds think alike.
發 音 | Pronounce
yīng shiúng suǒ jiàn liuè túng |
相似詞 | Explanation
語本《三國志.卷三七.蜀書.龐統傳》裴松之注引《江表傳》:「備歎息曰:『孤時危急,當有所求,故不得不往,殆不免周瑜之手!天下智謀之士,所見略同耳。』」指傑出人物的見解大致相同。《孽海花.第一一回》:「你們聽這番議論,不是與劍雲的議論,倒不謀而合的。英雄所見略同,只見這裡頭是有這麼一個道理,不盡荒唐的!」 |
英文解釋 | Very intelligent people tend to come up with the same ideas at the same time.(Used playfully, to commend someone for expressing the same thing you were thinking of; implies that you are congratulating that person for being as smart as you are. Also Great minds run in the same gutters, a casual and jocular variant.) |
英文造句 | Jill: Let’s ride our bikes to the store instead of walking.
Jane: I was just thinking we should do that, too. Jill: Great minds think alike. |